23 Ağustos 2013 Cuma


The Economist sever oldum, super seyler cikiyor.

Facete cok vakit harcadigimi dusundugum sirada. Bundan sonra yapmiyorum!!! Face gunde bir kez 1 saat, girmek istedigimde, gazete, mecmua, journal okuyacagim, kararim budur. Hayatimi kotu yonde etkiledigini dusunuyorum, kesinlikle!


Facebook is bad for you! Get a life!

Kesinlikle dogru:

The researchers recruited 82 Facebookers for their study. These volunteers, in their late teens or early 20s, agreed to have their Facebook activity observed for two weeks and to report, five times a day, on their state of mind and their direct social contacts (phone calls and meetings in person with other people). These reports were prompted by text messages, sent between 10am and midnight, asking them to complete a short questionnaire.

Those who used Facebook a lot were more likely to report a decline in satisfaction than those who visited the site infrequently. In contrast, there was a positive association between the amount of direct social contact a volunteer had and how positive he felt. In other words, the more volunteers socialised in the real world, the more positive they reported feeling the next time they filled in the questionnaire.

Su anda uyku ve yemek yemek disinda en cok yaptigim sey facebook, hayat kalitemin artmasi icin darbe yapiyorum ve facebook ban!!!

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