4 Haziran 2013 Salı


Niye bu kadar cok seviyorum bu inekleri?! Sevimliler, sakinler, yavaslar, acayip ise yariyorlar, ne bileyim guzeller iste, gozleri var, memeleri var, surekli biseyler cigniyorlar :) Birkac gercek inekler hakkinda:

Dairy cows provide 90% of the world's milk supply. The best cows give over 25 gallons of milk each day. That's 400 glasses of milk! U.S. cows give an average of 2,000 gallons of milk per year. That's over 30,000 glasses of milk!

Cows have 32 teeth.

Cows are milked for an average of 3-4 years. A cow must have a calf in order to produce milk.Calves are fed milk until they are 8-9 weeks old.

The average cow is 2 years old when she has her first calf.
Calves are fed milk until they are 8-9 weeks old.
A young female cow is called a heifer.

Bir de caliskana denir, bi de benzeri hayvan turlerinden super kufur cikar: sigir, manda, camis, komus,manda boku, dana, okuz ooo say say bitmez...Cok faideli hayvanciklar cok!

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